3 Kasım 2020 Salı



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Kayınpederi Teke
Şeytan Dakşi.
Çok eşliliği bu Teke

Teke Şeytan ibadeti, M.Ö 1500-3500 yılları arasında Kuzey Hindistan (Pakistan)da yaşayan Harappa medeniyeti halkı olan Sabilerin, Hint Brahmanizminin mezhebi olan Şiva Dininde Şiva ve Dakshi'nin sembol hayvanlarıydı. Şiva' ya Teke Şeytan olarak ibadet edildiğini Hintlilerin yaptıkları video görsel çevirisinde youtube Alaeddin Yavuz Belgeleri sayfamda yayımlamıştım.

Harappa medeniyeti Himalaya dağlarına yaptıkları büyük barajların depremle yıkılması ile meydana gelen sel baskınlarıyla yıkılmıştır. Kurtulanların büyük kısmı Irak Mezopotamya'ya göçmüş, bu bölgede Sümer yer ve şu tanrısı Enki'ye Teke Şeytan olarak ibadet eden yöre halkı ile inançlarını birleştirmiş, Ay Tanrısı Sin ibadeti ile karışmıştır. 
Bu karışık din coğrafyamızdaki yaygın dinlerin anası olan Sabilik adıyla anılmıştır. Buradan sürgün edilen Sabi dinine mensup Ibrahim ( Brahma) ve eşi-kız kardeşi Sara (Bilgelik tanrıçası Sarayswati'den) ile heykellere,ikonlara ibadete karşı çıkıp gene Sabi Ay Tanrısı Sin kült merkezi olan Urfa'ya oradan da batı Suriye'ye Ürdün(Nehir demektir)e Ürdün/Şeria nehri kıyısına yerleşerek kurduğu Hanif dinini yaymıştır. Kur-an'in da bahsettigi din budur. Günümüzdeki yaşayan hali Süryani Hıristiyanlığı ile Hanefi Islamdir. 

Ürdün Sabilerinin babası olan Ibrahim efsanesini çalan Mısır sürgünü aristokrat ve köle sürgün cüzzamlılar olan (Mısır tarihçisi Maneto'ya göre) Yahudiler Ürdün vadisine geldiklerinde, Mısır Ay 

Tanrısı Lah, Benabjedet, Ptahil TEKE şeytanlarına ibadet ediyorlardı (M.Ö 1300ler). Heredot'un (M.Ö 500) Histories(Tarihler) adlı kitabında Yunanlıların Teke şeytan ibadetini Hermes adıyla kendisinden 800 yıl önce aldıklarını yazar. Zamanla hileci tanrı Hermes dini tecavüzcü Teke Şeytan Pan'a dönüşmüş, MÖ 300'lerde Büyük Iskender işgallerinde bütün Avrasya ve Kuzey Afrika halkları Pan şeytanına Iskender olarak tapınmışlardır. Işte aşağıdaki Israil Haaretz gazetesinde çıkan arkeoloji haberinde bu Pan Şeytan ibadeti yapılan tapınağın kalıntılarına ulaşılmıştır.

Yakın zamanda ülkemizde Iraklı tarihi eser kaçakçılarını takip eden istihbaratçılarımız, Bilecik Jandarmasına bu kaçakçıları yakalatmış, yapılan otomobil aramasında Teke Şeytan ibadetini emreden en az 2000 yıllık olduğu yazılan Babil Talmudu olan Gizli, Ezbere okunan Tevrat ele geçirilmiştir.

Işte o tevrattan bazı resimleri aşağıya koydum.

Görmüş olduğunuz Tevrat sayfa resimleri ile aşağıdaki haber de Yahudilerin Teke Şeytana ibadet ettiklerine canlı kanıtlardır.
Bunların yanında, Süryani Hıristiyanlığından ayrılan Yahudilerin kurdukları Nasturi Hristiyan mezhebi de Rusya, Gurcistan, Iran ve Anadolu Türkleri, Irak Sincar, Siirt, Bitlis, Hakkari, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Urfa Yezidileri ile Suriye, Mısır, Lübnan Dürzilerinin inançlarının temelini oluşturur. Ayrıca 4/dört halife döneminde Hürmüz körfezi boyunca uzanan Yemame adlı Arabistan coğrafyasında çıkan Ismailiye mezhebini dini Nasturi Hıristiyanların kurduğu Iran Yezidiligi temelinde bir dindi ve Yezidilik ile Durzilik bunun mezhepleridir, Necran, BAE, Umman, Yemen bölgeleri de bu Teke Şeytan dinine ibadet ederlerdi. 

Işte Yezidilerin din kitabı "Ku-ran-ı Kerim-i Mushaf-ı Reş=Kuran-i Kerim Kara Mushaf" veya Şeytanın Kara Kitabının Arami(Sabi) ve Arap alfabesi ile yazılmış sayfa resimleri;

Görmüş olduğunuz bu belgeler Hristiyanlık ve Islâm öncesi Yahudi, Sabi ve Arapların Teke Şeytana ibadet ettiklerinin kanıtlarıdır. 

Bunlar da TEKE ŞEYTAN Hubel'e, Pana, Ptah'a, Azazil'e 'Allah' derler, "La ilâhe illallah=Allah'tan başka tanrı yoktur" der, bunlar da her işe "Bismillah=Tanrının adıyla" diyerek başlardı. 
Bunlardan ayrılmak için Muhammed ve Kuran-i Kerim, "Euzu besmele"yi yani "Euzubillahiminesseytanirracim=Allahın huzurundan recm/taşlanarak kovulmuş şeytanın şerrinden/kötülüğünden sana sığınırım" diyerek kendilerini Teke Şeytan ibadetcilerinden ayırmışlardır.
Bütün ibadetleri Müslümanlarla ortak olduğu, içki yasağı bulunduğu için de Müslümanları cemaatlere ve tarikatlara bölerek yönetmektedirler.
1917 Süveyş Kanal savaşında Osmanlınin yenilmesine bu Yezidilerin ve Durzilerin, din kardeşleri Vehhabilerin isyanlarının etkileri büyüktür. 

Atatürk'un ölümü sonrası Bitlis Yezidi Ismet Inönü, Adnan Menderes döneminde Bitlis Yezidi imamı Saidi Kurdi Islamı dönüştürmüştür. 
Bu gün Gregoryen Ermeni Feto, Iraklı Yahudi Menzilci Abdulbaki Erol ve ötekileri bu şeytan ibadetcileridir.
Takdir sizindir.
Alaeddin Yavuz.

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The site of the church recently discovered in the Banias nature reserve in the Golan Heights. Israel Nature & Parks Authority/ Banias archaeological team
Byzantine Church Built Over Temple to Pan Found in Israel. 'Like Pilgrims Left Graffiti'

The church was built on top of a Roman temple in the Banias, a cultic center cited in the Gospels, that is today a popular Israeli nature reserve
Noa Shpigel
01.11.2020 | 10:29

An impressive church from the Byzantine era has been discovered in the Hermon Stream Nature Reserve, better known as the Banias, in the northern Golan Heights.

The findings from the church, dated to around 400 C.E., include a mosaic floor decorated with crosses, and a large dressed stone with signs of crosses, which may well have been incised by the pilgrims who visited the church. The church was built on top of an older Roman era temple dedicated to the god Pan (which is where the name Banias comes from).Haaretz podcast: Bibi's tiny payback for Trump's F-35 diktat. PLUS: In defeat, annexation? Haaretz

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Prof. Adi Erlich of the Zinman Institute of Archaeology at Haifa University, working with Ron Lavi, was in charge of the archaeological dig. The church was part of “what we call a continuity of holiness – converting a site [holy] of one religion into one of another religion,” she told Haaretz. “We know this from human history around the world and also in Israel, for example on the Temple Mount. When Christianity rose to power, they didn’t look for a new site, they converted a pagan site into a Christian site,” said Erlich.The mosaic floor of the newly discovered Byzantine church in the Banias. Yaniv Cohen/ Nature and Parks Authority

The mosaic floor shows how the pagan architecture was adapted to Christian needs. “Churches always face east, and this building is from north to south. They arranged for one of the Roman ritual niches to turn into the holy center of the holiness of the church. They made adaptations,” she said.

The archaeologists believe the church was damaged in an earthquake in the seventh century, but it continued to be used for Christian ritual even later,” says Erlich. The large stone at the entrance has crosses and it looks like the pilgrims left graffiti: “It is possible to explain it as a place where you come, and make a cross as part of the feeling of worship. It is very rare – a stone with so many crosses,” she said.

The temple to Pan and the newly found church are in an area that includes a cliff, cave, springs and terraces from ancient times, that were created by the collapse of part of the cliff – with the temples built at the top of it.
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Now the Israeli Village Excavating Itself Found a Byzantine Church

“During the Hellenistic period, in the third century B.C.E., the cult of the god Pan began next to the cave and the spring. This is the source of the name of the ancient city Panias, which later changed to Banias. King Herod built a temple to Caesar Augustus in the area at the end of the first century B.C.E. His son Phillip founded Caesarea Philippi at the site at the beginning of the first century C.E.,” said Erlich. “Throughout the Roman period the city was an important cultic center for the gods Pan and Zeus.”

The city faded after the seventh century C.E., but continued to exist throughout history. It was a densely populated city during the Mameluke period in the 13th century.The dressed stone with incised crosses, possibly made by early pilgrims who visited the church which dates to circa 400 C.E. Yaniv Cohen/ Parks and Nature AuthorityThe site of the church recently discovered in the Banias nature reserve in the Golan Heights. Israel Nature & Parks Authority/ Banias archaeological team

The Israel Antiquities Authority found the remains of another church at the site in the 1990s. This church was also dated to the Byzantine era, about 200 meters from the newly discovered one. According to the Gospels, Jesus met his closest disciples nearby, and this is where Peter revealed him as the Messiah and in return was granted the keys to Heaven. A statue in honor of the event was placed here, and Erlich says it was possible that the newly excavated church is where the statue was placed. A Christian tradition also attributes the miracle of Jesus healing a sick woman from the city to the site.

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The Banias is known best to Israelis as a magnificent nature site with streams and waterfalls, but before the coronavirus crisis, hundreds of thousands of Christian pilgrims from all over the world would come to site every year because of its religious importance.

Dr. Yossi Bordovich, the head of the heritage department at the Parks and Nature Authority, said the excavations were conducted in the area of the ancient temple to Pan, which was probably constructed in the decade before 20 B.C.E. Part of it was excavated in previous digs, and the new excavations were meant to expose the rest of the temple in front of the cave for preservation and the development of tourism.

Ofer Shinar, the manager of the Banias nature reserve, said the peak of settlement in the area was during the Roman period. This was also when it was most popular as a center for religious rites; the site had many temples, though the main cult of worship focused around Pan. This is also when the palace of King Agrippa II was built there. The most important stage for the Banias came when the Hellenistic city of Caesarea Philippi was built there, named after Phillip II, the son of Herod. Herod divided up his kingdom between his three sons, and Phillip received the region that included the Banias, explains Shinar.

Most of the Roman city is still unexcavated. The two major archaeological sites exposed for visitors today are the site of the temples at the top near the large cave, and the palace of Agrippa, Herod’s great-grandson, who made impressive additions to the city. The site also contains a fortress from the Middle Ages.

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